
  • Tutoring

    I have learned with girls in advance of their bat mitzvah and assisted them in writing their d’var Torah. I have also coached high schoolers in creative and persuasive writing and taught Hebrew to elementary school students.

  • Cohorts and classrooms

    My classroom experience ranges from Hebrew schools to substitute teaching to immersive summer programs. I have taught elementary school students about adversity in Jewish history, high school students about the power of ritual, and college students about Jewish approaches to sexuality.

  • Adult Education

    In my role as rabbinic intern at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, I taught a three-part series on mitzvot bein adam l’chaveiro. I have also taught a course on women in Talmud and Jewish law.

  • Speaking engagements

    I have facilitated creative writing workshops, spoken on interdenominational panels, and shared about my journey to the rabbinate. Past organizations include the Hoboken Synagogue, the Savannah Jewish Federation, JOFA, the Beis Community, among others.